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Hunter Pinckney Wootton Denman

Class of 1999

Hunter P. W. Denman

MARTHA'S VINEYARD - Hunter Pinckney Wootton Denman, 40, died on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at his home on Martha’s Vineyard.

The son of Margaret-Love Gathright Denman and William T. “Rusty” Denman III, Hunter was the youngest of their five children. Born in New Orleans, LA, Hunter grew up in Mississippi and North Carolina, graduated from Oyster River High School in Durham, NH, but found a true home on Martha’s Vineyard, where he had lived since 2006.

With a thirst for knowledge, Hunter received his B.A. in Political Science (Cum Laude) at UNH, before attending a trade school in MA where he became a Master Electrician. He established his business, Hunter Electric, on Martha’s Vineyard where he, alongside his trusted assistant, Archie, worked tirelessly for their clients, delivering quality work.

A lover of the sand and sea, Hunter became an avid kiteboarder and kayaker in recent years. He was also a deeply spiritual and treasured inspiration to an extensive community of friends. His appetite for life was infectious; he approached situations with a childlike enthusiasm, bringing light and laughter to those who knew him. While he loved the outdoors, he also had an artistic side, often expressing himself through music and song.

As a doting father, he leaves behind his cherished daughter, Emmanuella Denman, along with her mother, Jacqueline LeBre Bacellar, in addition to his mother, father, his four siblings, their spouses, and his nieces and nephews: Dr. William T. “Pepper” Denman IV, Dr. Stephanie Plent Denman, Laura Anna Stewart Denman, and William Thomas Plent Denman; Laura Denman-Magden, Lisa Magnarelli-Magden, Georgia, Gannon, and Lucy Magden; John, Stephanie, Claire, and Liko Denman; and Stanton, Jessica, Rory, Byron, and Elizabeth Denman.

In lieu of flowers, donations of support can be made to:
Vineyard House
PO Box 4599, 56 Short Hill Road
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Donate online Vineyard House Donate